As a practical, dependable excavating bur, our Inverted Cone Operative diamonds mean you’ll be able to undercut access openings for root canals or restorations. This is because the inverted cone shape means precise removal and superior control, particularly for complex cavity restorations. They allow easy access in hard-to-reach areas.
They can be used for:
- Flattening both pulpal and gingival walls
- Root canal access
- Smoothing and finishing
- Preparations for crows
- Preps for inlays, onlays, and certain types of crowns
- Reshaping for cosmetic dentistry
Diatech’s inverted cone diamond burs utilize the best in Swiss engineering to create a burr that will be an important complement to your block. With our proprietary multilevel diamond application, you can experience faster, smoother cutting that is more comfortable for both you and the patient.
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