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Prophy Handpieces, Angles & Paste

Dental Hygiene Tools That Get the Job Done Right. Every Time.

You need the best dental hygiene tools to provide stellar service for your patient, reliability to keep you on schedule, and comfort during long workdays. We’ve selected ergonomically designed instruments and prophy angles that provide precision control, which makes them perfect for your toolkit. We’ve got all the supplies you need to do your best work and keep your patients returning.

Free Sample Pack:
Lotus Prophy Angles & Paste

100% latex-free cup. Soft pink cups and firm blue cups available. Includes a cup of Cotton Candy flavored prophy paste.
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Free Sample Pack:
Lucas-Cide®Sanitizer & Disinfectant

Highest available germ-killing power at the lowest cost per use with no harsh smell.
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How Do I Choose the Right Type of Handpiece  

You know you need precision and quality while treating patients, but how do you select the right handpiece? Ask yourself:

  • How does it feel in my hand? The weight can cause wrist fatigue and discomfort if you make the wrong selection.
  • Does it have the right amount of torque? This can affect your efficiency. You want to be sure you have a hygiene handpiece that’s strong enough to get the job done.
  • Is it ergonomically designed? Hours and hours of working on patients’ teeth can have long-term effects on your hands and even place you at risk for carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Is it too loud? It’s easy to overlook the sound level, but this can make a huge difference in patient comfort. Remember that many patients are nervous when seeing the dentist, and a lower volume can help ease their anxiety. (If you have patients who are afraid of the dentist, our article, “Tips for Helping Patients With Dental Anxiety” has useful information for your day-to-day work.)
  • Does it provide enough precision and control? These are of paramount importance because you’re working with small spaces and delicate gingival tissues. Be sure you’re using a handpiece with enough pressure to be thorough, but not so much that it causes patient discomfort. 

Is this durable enough to withstand extensive daily use? Replacing handpieces can quickly become an expensive venture. Be sure to get your money’s worth out of your handpiece.

Which Prophy Angle Should I Use?

A prophy angle is at the heart of a dental hygienist’s toolkit. Deciding on a prophy angle requires many of the same considerations you’d use for selecting your handpiece. Ergonomics is always a top concern, as are durability and control.

Other factors you should consider include:

  • Compatibility: Is it compatible with the handpiece you use?
  • Optimal Reach: Are you able to access all surfaces of the tooth?
  • Rotation: Is the rotation smooth and seamless?
  • Vibration: Will the level of vibration make your patient less comfortable? 

The Secret to Getting Patients Back in the Chair: Great-Tasting Prophy Paste

Can you blame your patients for wanting to have great-tasting prophy paste? This minor detail can make a big difference in determining if your patients will return to see you. It’s not considered a dental hygienist “tool,” but it transforms the patient experience and can boost your patient return rate. 

While mint always remains popular, patients also like to have the opportunity to choose from a variety of flavors. The right prophy paste provides a polished, clean feeling for your patients’ mouths, and increases patient satisfaction.

At Diatech, we offer Gelato brand prophy paste in assorted and mint flavors, as well as Lotus splatter-free Cotton Candy paste. It’s easily ordered in bulk, and a subscription ensures that you never run out or need to place an order at the last minute.

Want To Increase Patient Retention Rates? 5 Tips for Hygienists

Of course, dental hygiene tools are only part of the equation. You’re in a competitive industry, and everything you can do to encourage your patients to return will help your team morale and your bottom line. Below are five tips to keep in mind every day:

Ensure a Good Patient Experience

We mentioned earlier that many people fear the dentist, so your patients may already be “on edge” when they sit in the chair. Loud noises and unfamiliar smells don’t help matters. 

Provide methods of distraction and work out a system so they can communicate with you when their mouth is full. Relaxing music is always a plus.

Listen to Your Patients

Your patients want to have their concerns addressed, and if they believe you’re being dismissive, they may not return. This requires you to engage in effective and active listening by truly paying attention to what they are saying, and then respond accordingly.

Provide Superior Quality Care

This may seem obvious, but it’s far too competitive in your specialty. If your patients do not believe they are receiving the highest level of care, they will go somewhere else. It’s that simple.

One of the ways you can help provide quality care is by purchasing Lotus prophy angles and paste, which provide precision to ensure you’ve covered the entire tooth. Through Diatech, you can also order quality handpieces that enable you to perform at your best.

Enhance Patient Education

Patient education goes beyond telling them to floss. It means explaining why you do things, as well as how you’re going to do them. As we’ve mentioned time and time again, going to the dentist is an unsettling experience for so many, even if it’s only for a thorough cleaning. It’s crucial to explain the benefits of coming in twice a year for evaluation and prophylaxis.

Use The Latest Technology

While state-of-the-art dental technology won’t replace quality customer service, it provides convenience for all involved in the continuum of care. It also streamlines the process, ensuring efficient turnaround.

Want to Learn More? Check Out Our Articles and Resources

We want to do more than supply you with the best dental hygiene tools, we want to give you resources to help you grow your career. Check out the following articles: